Wednesday, October 12, 2011
A nice day for a walk and protest.
As of today... Wednesday, 10/12/2011... the earth is still spinning and the world is still changing, today i felt 1960s in a modern way.
1st... does anyone know or care??? Who KIlled MICHEAL JACKO? The news team is still there...
Today i took my books to sell at the last bookstore.
It was a long ass walk. but i did enjoy it.
After 45mins of walk, i finally got there around 12pm. i started walking around 11 something.
I sold all those precious books probably worth over at least 300 dolllars worth and i only got 35 bucks for it.
It was around 1:15pm and i was hungry, so i decided to get some Mexican food! i ordered the Tortas cubano. This stall's tortas was okay... i had better ones elsewhere. Though i was impress with the chef making is all slowly and detaily as he layed down each piece of meat.
With Torta at $6.50 and the large Thai tea with Bo-Bao at $3.50... the whole meal was 10 bucks. So with the $35.00 i made from the books... now i'm down with 25 bucks.
Walking back home, there was a real big demonstration and protest!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
What is the turth in my own brillant trillion point of view... NOT
like a fool this is the truth.
Do you recognize your own truth?
i try to and it sucks! Becos, even you tell them what happen that day, when it is shameful, you only try to denied it. For examples, i had two friends, both are happily married, but during work, they fell in love with each other. Lets call them Gina and George, okay who are happily married..... BUTTTTT..... but they found out or that they realize that their own spouse is not the Perfect MF one for them. So..... they decide to hang out with each other and their love begins to grow.
So this is the perfect and the simple example of "adultry."
So the thing is.... for some odd reason, one of them calls me up, Gina ....."CRYing " i keep on asking her whats wrong... and for some weird and odd reason, i kinda knew they were dating each other, but i wasn't super duper sure, so i didn't jump into conclusions.... Well...also the fact that George is moving to another State... thats how i did my own investigation...
, i call George to ask him about it.... So he DENIES it and DENIES it and denies it .... that's the perfect example of us the human race, for we like to denied and denied and denied and fucking denied until i gooooo crazy and start shouting and cursing at them and start threating them to NEVER to speak to them again. hahaha.... and in the end ,,,,, the truth is out. And that's it.... i don't care, but i just want to find out what happen and if that is the truth or not. Shit... shit happens and we don judge, BUUUUUUUT we must change and know that just go back to your Love... which is your Husband and your Wife. That is alll... And in the end, they both...... as my pals, told me the truth...... and i respect them for that! And that is all... nothing for us to judge, but oNLY for the Almighty crazy creator cool mighty God!
I think people will respect people when you tell the truth and be honest about things. Problems will be solve quicker and to give the honest reasons... will only humble yourself and others...Is okay to fight, but in the end we got to be honest with ourselves and FORGIVE, and admit OUR OWN FAULTS..... and again FORGIVE becos EVERYBODY FUCKS UP!
So again, when someone is confronting you about the truth, try not to denied it.
The truth about marriage is that when people get marry, they should married someone not just base on looks, sex, fun to be with, so cute, her smile, his jokes, you know what i'm saying, cause all those are just stuff people in to have in a marriage.... but the truth is, let's say , you think that you found that perfect someone, but think... in this world there will always be someone out there more attractive , pretty, sweet, beautiful skin, those biceps, sensitive, kind, humble, smart, honey, sweetie, blah blah blah blah blah..... the truth is that everyone one day will be "OVERWEIGHT and OUT of SHAPE"
So when you know that you found that one you love, that is the ONE or the FUCKING one.... how ever you want to choose it. That or This...... Is IT.... Marriage is not simple and you got to keep up the growth in maturity and be attractive, like being humble and present yourself nicely for your LOVE... not to dress up to attractive others...
Like in Europe... everyone is dress fashionably nicely neatly for one another. Its not really even about attracting the opposite sex. And its not really even about how rich or how poor you are either. Its just simply about FASHy-iON! To look different or looking the same.... its the latest fashion. The trend of the moment and era and i love, everyone just dress whatever they like and no one really looks down on you. How do we tell what era were in from le-photos??? By Fashion and other things of course.

Sex in a marriage ..... only will only have its certain thrills. Bcos everything is exciting when it is fresh.
So when it gets dull and boring (been up-there and done all that), that is probably the results of immature marriage. Sometimes we tend to cheat our own heart and rush into things.
Of course, not all marriage problem is due to sex, but alot has to do with it. Keeping attractiveness, oh that attractions which will only wrinkle like a tree.
This is the truth a super sarcastic way of course, really now.
Living with one another is very hard. That is the truth also. We tend to judge people by RACE. As if another race is better or worst than the other... Every human race in this world is the same.
You know, people always tend to dogged on China People, people tend to criticize that it is Made in China! I heard that from alot of folks at the Airport and all of them from America.......Everything is "Made in China"... What the heck is everyone chirping about? Cause the Truth is, we are the one who open factories in China for cheap labor. How can we blame China? When in fact it is the labels the Brand Names that take it to China beocos of cheaper labor. Labor that no one wants to do here in the United States. Also it will be way too expensive to hire the American minimum wages... get it????
Well... this is the truth.. this will keep on going and going.... today is Made in China, tomorrow will be Made in India, and next Made in Indonesia or which ever country is still in development.... You can't really say that this is exploiting of any sort ,i think we are actually helping a country to learn something new with technology. And also giving them jobs. But at the same time....AS the boss should also treat them like people with sameness and not abuse ..... and give them a good condition working environment (like a super low budget Google)...with benefits and good fair pay! People will respect the boss, and the people will be happy to make QUALITY Goods... you know what i'm saying??? You want a happy worker, not an underpay unhappy worker. When we put ourselves in to their positions, we will realize that i don't want to be treated that way. Ahhhhh... it alll hard...
you know.... we DEMAND for the products to be cheap, so that is why it is mostly Made in China. So ask yourself this question, it is China's fault or the Bosses or Brands like Gaps, Benneton, Banana blah blah blah....
Anyways, i went on a mini- Europe trip to Paris, London, & Barcelona... i acknowledge alot of things about us as human races. I have come across some of the nicest white folks from Baltimore, New York, Washington, and they all just talk to me with kindness and real too... Honestly, i'm scare of being in a white folks town... i always get the stare down. I don't know... maybe its just me being paranoid from childhood racism and stuff... going on this Euro trip also make me paranoid... so this is the truth.
But i'm glad that i got to go on this trip .... all thanks to my Auntie C! Who is the best and the worst. Anyways, We all just need to RESPECT and learn to not judge each other, cause i think i judge white folks and white folks judge me back. I don't know...
But i can tell you i meet alot of great white folks from London, Paris, & Barcelona... but as i love to speak the stupid truth... the truth is, of course there is snare from the rich and the poor. And also jealousy of one race over the other.... this is the TRUTH... if you got the money and the vacation time, go out there and don't judge other's culture and just try their food and their language and be polite, people will treat you nice and with respect. And that i have experience many times... i am not a complete good person, but i try my best to respect all HUMan race. i think culture is so fun and exciting and important for us humans to embrace that experience is just fucking wonderful! And people being helpful to you and not wanting to cheap money out of you..........from all this respect you will only know........ that they will also try their best to try to understand other's culture without judgment.
Like me, i just think i'm a human race.... cause i was born in Hong Kong and a 1 years old we move back to Taiwan (if you don't know where Taiwan is, hahahah... check Wikipedia out!) and around 7 years old, we moved to the United States.... And during my childhood i had to endure alot of Racism from just every coner of race. Basically i'm asain decent and born in Hong Kong, so that means I'm from Hong Kong, China. And becos i grew up with fond memories of Taiwan, i would sometime consider myself as Taiwanese but what the hey.... its still Chinese and HUman ..... i think. But then now that I'm a U.S. citizen, i'm consider from L.A.)... BUT...........some people don't consider me American, cause i was not born here, and Chinese don't consider me as Chinese becos to them I'm too Americanize for them... So there is this stupid judgment for myself. But now, i don't give a fuck about all that shit, cos the Truth is that Heaven is my home and we are the Human Race bitches! Don't forget that.
More truth to come.
please forgive my cursing...
Do you recognize your own truth?
i try to and it sucks! Becos, even you tell them what happen that day, when it is shameful, you only try to denied it. For examples, i had two friends, both are happily married, but during work, they fell in love with each other. Lets call them Gina and George, okay who are happily married..... BUTTTTT..... but they found out or that they realize that their own spouse is not the Perfect MF one for them. So..... they decide to hang out with each other and their love begins to grow.
So this is the perfect and the simple example of "adultry."
So the thing is.... for some odd reason, one of them calls me up, Gina ....."CRYing " i keep on asking her whats wrong... and for some weird and odd reason, i kinda knew they were dating each other, but i wasn't super duper sure, so i didn't jump into conclusions.... Well...also the fact that George is moving to another State... thats how i did my own investigation...
, i call George to ask him about it.... So he DENIES it and DENIES it and denies it .... that's the perfect example of us the human race, for we like to denied and denied and denied and fucking denied until i gooooo crazy and start shouting and cursing at them and start threating them to NEVER to speak to them again. hahaha.... and in the end ,,,,, the truth is out. And that's it.... i don't care, but i just want to find out what happen and if that is the truth or not. Shit... shit happens and we don judge, BUUUUUUUT we must change and know that just go back to your Love... which is your Husband and your Wife. That is alll... And in the end, they both...... as my pals, told me the truth...... and i respect them for that! And that is all... nothing for us to judge, but oNLY for the Almighty crazy creator cool mighty God!
I think people will respect people when you tell the truth and be honest about things. Problems will be solve quicker and to give the honest reasons... will only humble yourself and others...Is okay to fight, but in the end we got to be honest with ourselves and FORGIVE, and admit OUR OWN FAULTS..... and again FORGIVE becos EVERYBODY FUCKS UP!
So again, when someone is confronting you about the truth, try not to denied it.
The truth about marriage is that when people get marry, they should married someone not just base on looks, sex, fun to be with, so cute, her smile, his jokes, you know what i'm saying, cause all those are just stuff people in to have in a marriage.... but the truth is, let's say , you think that you found that perfect someone, but think... in this world there will always be someone out there more attractive , pretty, sweet, beautiful skin, those biceps, sensitive, kind, humble, smart, honey, sweetie, blah blah blah blah blah..... the truth is that everyone one day will be "OVERWEIGHT and OUT of SHAPE"
So when you know that you found that one you love, that is the ONE or the FUCKING one.... how ever you want to choose it. That or This...... Is IT.... Marriage is not simple and you got to keep up the growth in maturity and be attractive, like being humble and present yourself nicely for your LOVE... not to dress up to attractive others...
Like in Europe... everyone is dress fashionably nicely neatly for one another. Its not really even about attracting the opposite sex. And its not really even about how rich or how poor you are either. Its just simply about FASHy-iON! To look different or looking the same.... its the latest fashion. The trend of the moment and era and i love, everyone just dress whatever they like and no one really looks down on you. How do we tell what era were in from le-photos??? By Fashion and other things of course.

Sex in a marriage ..... only will only have its certain thrills. Bcos everything is exciting when it is fresh.
So when it gets dull and boring (been up-there and done all that), that is probably the results of immature marriage. Sometimes we tend to cheat our own heart and rush into things.
Of course, not all marriage problem is due to sex, but alot has to do with it. Keeping attractiveness, oh that attractions which will only wrinkle like a tree.
This is the truth a super sarcastic way of course, really now.
Living with one another is very hard. That is the truth also. We tend to judge people by RACE. As if another race is better or worst than the other... Every human race in this world is the same.
You know, people always tend to dogged on China People, people tend to criticize that it is Made in China! I heard that from alot of folks at the Airport and all of them from America.......Everything is "Made in China"... What the heck is everyone chirping about? Cause the Truth is, we are the one who open factories in China for cheap labor. How can we blame China? When in fact it is the labels the Brand Names that take it to China beocos of cheaper labor. Labor that no one wants to do here in the United States. Also it will be way too expensive to hire the American minimum wages... get it????
Well... this is the truth.. this will keep on going and going.... today is Made in China, tomorrow will be Made in India, and next Made in Indonesia or which ever country is still in development.... You can't really say that this is exploiting of any sort ,i think we are actually helping a country to learn something new with technology. And also giving them jobs. But at the same time....AS the boss should also treat them like people with sameness and not abuse ..... and give them a good condition working environment (like a super low budget Google)...with benefits and good fair pay! People will respect the boss, and the people will be happy to make QUALITY Goods... you know what i'm saying??? You want a happy worker, not an underpay unhappy worker. When we put ourselves in to their positions, we will realize that i don't want to be treated that way. Ahhhhh... it alll hard...
you know.... we DEMAND for the products to be cheap, so that is why it is mostly Made in China. So ask yourself this question, it is China's fault or the Bosses or Brands like Gaps, Benneton, Banana blah blah blah....
Anyways, i went on a mini- Europe trip to Paris, London, & Barcelona... i acknowledge alot of things about us as human races. I have come across some of the nicest white folks from Baltimore, New York, Washington, and they all just talk to me with kindness and real too... Honestly, i'm scare of being in a white folks town... i always get the stare down. I don't know... maybe its just me being paranoid from childhood racism and stuff... going on this Euro trip also make me paranoid... so this is the truth.
But i'm glad that i got to go on this trip .... all thanks to my Auntie C! Who is the best and the worst. Anyways, We all just need to RESPECT and learn to not judge each other, cause i think i judge white folks and white folks judge me back. I don't know...
But i can tell you i meet alot of great white folks from London, Paris, & Barcelona... but as i love to speak the stupid truth... the truth is, of course there is snare from the rich and the poor. And also jealousy of one race over the other.... this is the TRUTH... if you got the money and the vacation time, go out there and don't judge other's culture and just try their food and their language and be polite, people will treat you nice and with respect. And that i have experience many times... i am not a complete good person, but i try my best to respect all HUMan race. i think culture is so fun and exciting and important for us humans to embrace that experience is just fucking wonderful! And people being helpful to you and not wanting to cheap money out of you..........from all this respect you will only know........ that they will also try their best to try to understand other's culture without judgment.
Like me, i just think i'm a human race.... cause i was born in Hong Kong and a 1 years old we move back to Taiwan (if you don't know where Taiwan is, hahahah... check Wikipedia out!) and around 7 years old, we moved to the United States.... And during my childhood i had to endure alot of Racism from just every coner of race. Basically i'm asain decent and born in Hong Kong, so that means I'm from Hong Kong, China. And becos i grew up with fond memories of Taiwan, i would sometime consider myself as Taiwanese but what the hey.... its still Chinese and HUman ..... i think. But then now that I'm a U.S. citizen, i'm consider from L.A.)... BUT...........some people don't consider me American, cause i was not born here, and Chinese don't consider me as Chinese becos to them I'm too Americanize for them... So there is this stupid judgment for myself. But now, i don't give a fuck about all that shit, cos the Truth is that Heaven is my home and we are the Human Race bitches! Don't forget that.
More truth to come.
please forgive my cursing...
Holy Bible,
Jesus Christ,
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