Wednesday, December 26, 2012

CHRISTmas is not Xmas.......!!

You know, the truth is, this is the truth.

We celebrate Christmas is all becos of Jesus Christ = CHRISTmas.

And Satan is again very smart and cunning...

So he uses the x to X out Christ's name and there you go...

Merry X'mas.

Just like alot of thing Satan does... even the use of Jesus's name. Even Jesus Christ's become a cuss word. Oh s***!  Jesus Christ! Oh my God F-off!


God Da**** **!

I mean Satan controls this world and he's enjoying it!  And he's here to destroy the people of this world .... that us (the human race).

Hey, Satan need not to start a war, the humans will Start the war itself and kill oneself and for ALL.

That is the truth. What can we do???? Just LOVE.


Friday, May 11, 2012

2 Timothy 3:1-5

2 Timothy 3:1-5

King James Version (KJV)
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Pray! Pray! Pray! Prayer is the Way as the Preacher say!

God  (owner of planet Earth).  He spoke out and created the world, the universe.  And that was how the world was created by God's word.

Satan, the devil seeks out to rule over Earth (that includes the Human race).

Human was suppose to manage Earth, but sin caused us the human race to fall and we have no trust in God.  Because Men sin, so satan the devil controls our life.

Everytime we obey Satan's (that is when we SIN), he becomes yours/our lord and pastor.  So we are lost from God.

This is not God's will but Men chose to follow "The prince of this world" that is Satan. So we are now all in Satan's hands.

Church in a America is in a real mess.  Christianity in other countries such as China, Russia, Vietnam, etc. shows a different type of Christianity.  By this we mean that they are lead by the HOLY SPIRIT (as we churches in America is lead by PROGRAMS)...

There is a Spiritual War within us the human race.  Satan is in control, he is on top of us, so the sad truth is that we are not praying by the HOLY SPIRIT.

We humans have poor management of the Earth and men gave this to Satan, so God send his son Jesus Christ to show us the truth and how to "Love One Another."

Jesus could of chose evil while He was in human form, but because of His Father's strength in Him, He was able to fight off the temptation Satan had planned. Since Jesus Christ was 100% human form, He could of still chose to sin but He didn't because God was strong in Him and Jesus had the Truth by Faith!

Satan will not give up this fight to destroy the Human race.  He hates all of God's creation.  Satan refuse to stop this fight... until he is destroy and he knows his time is limited.  And his wish is to take the life of all human race into hell with him. 

Satan is supported by mankind, by this we mean that even though the human race have the freedom of choice to choose between good and evil, but when we  are tempted to sin, we give Satan permission to take us down (to accuse us to God).  Satan is very subtle in way of tempting us by making every sin look good and to make sin appealing (if is not appealing then it wouldn't be temptation.  So it is us the human race that gives our mind to Satan which we let him to have permission to take over our flesh. 

God does not force you to love Him or believe in Him.... God gives us freewill nor does God force us to love Him.  God only want us to trust in Him and to believe in Him and to love one another for we are all one as the human race.  God gives you the Freedom of choice and will not choose for you, but He wants to warn you of evil and guide you to Love through the HOLY SPIRIT.

Satan especially hates Christians and he will tempt you by promising you success in this world.  So we have a choice to make... that is to choose between God or Satan.

Satan's work is to mess up and destroy the image of God and he doesn't want the human race tobe save (to be written in the Book of Life to be in Heaven with God).  Once Satan has you in control, he will NOT care about you and destroy your love for God.

Satan knows that in the end he is defeated... since Hell was created for him, so he will do everything to take the human race with him by any means.  And Satan being an Holy Angel once, knows the word of God more than any Christians on this Earth.  And he will not give up his fight to destroy until the end.

To fight Satan, one must know that by Prayer... it is the only way to win every fight against Satan's temptation for us to sin.  So we Christian's shouldn't be afraid to use prayer to fight Satan's evil schemes.

Satan is scare when we declare "In JESUS Name!"  This is our power to communicate with God as a Christian or someone that is searching for the truth.

Once we are save and believe in God (in the name of Jesus Christ).... Satan wants to make our prayer power ignorant... by being shy about using prayer.  Satan's goal then is to try to destroy our family (marriage, relationship with parents, siblings, etc.) 

As a Christian, with prayer, we can defeat the power of Satan.  But if we are ignorant of our power (our authority from God), then we just let Satan win over our flesh, mind, soul, and spirit.

So as a Christian, we must pray specifically for each NAMES... but we must continue to pray for those who are still lost in this world.  So ONE prayer is not enough, we must pray with habit and keep praying for the people's name and once Satan knows that we are serious about our trust in the Lord, he will flea from us.  God will give the Holy Spirit to those individuals who needs tobe safe.

Don't be afraid to take risk with our Father!  For He is the creator! 

So we must always ask....... IN JESUS NAME (which is a force release with our faith in prayer!)

Our prayer much be pray with the right motivation.... not the motivation of being rich and prosperity which is a big no-no.

Prayer must be persistent and definite.... So keep on PRAYING!!!

Sex, drug, alcohol is to hook us and alot of the sin today is the same as in the church and in the world.

Church can also be a good target place for Satan... (i.e. Deacons,  Ministers, Pastors, etc.) So we must watch our guards and keep on praying!!!

This world is a hostage to the Devil, we need to set the lost souls free with the knowledge of TRUTH!

So we must pray to make it today!!!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Love (rejected ejected and dejected)

Dear diary, Don't know why, but i hate watching movies about love stories, i think most love stories are just bullshit since they are first of all movies and movies just pretends and romanticize everything... love is hardly perfect or so romantic in the way how movies are with all that music and sweet dialogues you know that this is the writers wet dream for love. So basically to me it is bullshit! If i was to write a love story, it would be as cruel as the stray dog on the street. Cause life isn't all about love dovy and shit! If you ever been rejected for like 3 times in a roll within that one year, you would probably want to kill yourself and say "fuck love!" cause that's how cruel love can be and that feeling of being rejected, dejected, and ejected in one stupid year, you would want the world to end as quick as possible. Cause love hurts!

Oh yeah, if i was to write a love story about a dude that gets rejected like the stray dog on the street, it would be like like the life of a stray dog.... walking alone in dark alleys, getting yell at by nasty mean strangers laughing as you walk your lonely way. ummmmm... going home in the mist of getting rain on and being honk at by cars that don't want to stop for shit. yes not even for a piece of lonely little smelly turd (that's how the traffic is in Taiwan by the way). My love story would not be about happiness but about loniness like a Wong Kar Wai film but probably will end up more like a John waters film with childish sick dark humors that only folks that gets rejected by love will understand and laugh. I think i feel better now.... since i watched this Taiwanese film called "YOu are the Apple of My Eyes"

This movie make me sad since in the end... the guy didn't end up with the girl and instead she married another man. It only made me think about my folking life. Always chasing and never end up with that girl... And the funny thing is, the girls that i have chase always have a bunch of other guys chasing her... so its like some kind of contest.  I like contest, but not with human relationship... Love is not a game and girls loves this kind of shit and i hate the fact that girls think they are so beautiful and pretty cos a bunch of guys chase after them... and in the end a bunch of losers gets hurt. And the sad part is... the guy that gets the girl will be all protective and being mean to all the other guys.  kind of cavemenish. 

to me chasing girl is ... like chasing that stupid rat or that fly or that cockaroach that just ends up escaping from me. Or like chasing a stray cat, whom i just wanted to  give some food to and it just runs away from me thinking that i'm some bad dude and not trusting me and runs away with caution.

So after watching this very nice movie about growing up in high school to manhood about a bunch of guys chasing that one girl... i tear up in the end tearing and thinking man does love stink! And you know you always want to wish the person getting married the best wishes but deep down in your heart you probably think... "i hope you end up fat and ugly!" hahaha... which is almost always true.

Once people get married, they always either get fat and ugly or they end up getting divorce and have some kind of sad and tragic adultry. I'm not speaking in bitterness, but in truth... since i have witness so many many many married couple friends that end up in someone else's bed. SAD but TRUE! So my days in Taiwan is just pure singlness... is not that i have not bump into anyone that is attractive to me, but that i feel that LOVE by today's standard is not about LOVE only anylonger.

People (married men and divorce women) has been telling me that women will love for "STABILITY" i don't know if that is the whole truth or not, but it is probably 50% truth. And i know girls look for that, what kind of job does this person does and how much MONEY he makes and vacations, fine restaurants blah blah blah blah blah.... So love is not really about the heart a lot time.  That is why we see alot of ugly guys dating very attractive women....  It is mostly about what you can get with in that "love" "stabilty" realtionship, which i understand.

So if any girl falls for me or if i date any girls here in Taiwan ... i'll just be straight with them... "your cute, but i'm as poor as the stray dog on the street... can you dig it?" But i work hard and have passion for things that i'm passionate about and i don't flirt around and i'm geniue and will do my best to grow old with you like the wrinkle old tree and LOVE is LOVE. CAn you dig it???" That's what i would say to a girl.  And if that girl accept me for who i am... than i hope that love will grow deeper and deeper until we get married and died together forever (like the famous Rick Ashley song!) Wonder how "Rick Roll" came about???

Anyways, its been raining for days now in TaiChung, and i just love it! I love rainy days, is romantic in a lonely way.... Love.

Friday, April 27, 2012

My life in Taiwan so far 4272012

Dear diary, I have left the States and moved back to my homeland Taiwan, so its been about 4 months now. I was not born in Taiwan, but i have very good and fond memories of it. Since i got back here, lots of things happen. First of all, family members think i'm crazy or have some kind of mental disorder or mental breakdown of some sort... so i was ask to go see a doctor, a psychiatrist in TaiChung. I was so down and depress about the whole thing, i wasn't piss as much as i would be, but i was really sad that my family members didn't trust me. I mean ya... i was overboard for getting mad and angry and cetain things and was emotional through out the whole trip since i knew that i'm not gonna see them for a while since they are going back to the States, i mean i will miss them especailly my sister's kids. So yeah i was crying more than usual, but that doesn't mean that i'm crazy or needs to see a mental doc for help. Well, i'm so glad that, that is over... since i had to show them or prove to them that i don't have any problem. People just don't understand my feelings... over the course of the years since i understand about life through Christ, things have change. I have not love this World as in 1John would states... "Do Not Love this World' I understand that. And that in proverbs states that Wisdom will only make you sad and more sad, becos one comes to understand the world and by looking at the State of this world, the problems of the world, the way we humans treat each other.... yeah... is easy to become sad about it all, becos basically we are just selfish people. Selfish in the way that we can hurt each other just to something we want. WANT. So this is the truth about life that probably alot of us don't want to admit to it. or probably getting piss with this blog by saying "what is his problem and what is he talking about???!!!" Well if this makes any sense to anyone at all, this is my diary, my record of my life here on Earth or my stay in Taiwan. Oh yeah, back to Taiwan. I have met alot of interesting people, i'm still trying to figure out about myself living within this culture. even though i speak the language, but i'm still consider a foreigner. I want to change that becos i want to be part of this country... not necessary about fitting right in or not, but more about being part of this place. Well being back in Taiwan, i really didn't want to go to Church and i even pray to God about my feelings, my feelings about how much i hate being part of some segregated separated organization that is somewhat hateful toward each other for being that kind of denomination. So i really don't want to be part of anything that somewhat hates and pretend to be loving. Every church thinks they are going to Heaven and every church thinks that the other denomination is going to hell. Funny... So since i pray and pray for about a month about not going to church, God sends this man who was suppose to help me with getting my artwork patent and then we started talking about God and Jesus and Mr. Kim ends up telling me that he is a Christian and that he would like to take me to his small group and eventually he brought me to his church. I mean seriously... Taiwan has only 3 percent of the population that are Christians... and i'm here trying to escape church, since nobody knows that i'm a Christian, so i can easily just blend in and then in the mist of my hiding, i bump into a Christian. Now i have been attending the church that Mr. Kim goes to and also to another church near by. Being back here in Taiwan, i still need to work and make some money to survive here on Earth. Even though i'm lucky to have free rent by living in my parents retire place. Basiclly i'm here alone, so the rent part is taken care of, but the food part is not, so i try to look for a job working in a Beef Noodle shop and i fired myself in 3 days realizing that this is not for me at all. I mean, i do have a plan, a dream more like. Well the plan, the dream is to open a small shop to teach kids how to make art toys/figures and to teach it in English. And since i fired myself in the Beef Noodle shop, the owner ask me then what will i do in Taiwan for work??? I smartly replied..."i'm gonna teach English!" And the boss looks at me with a bright eye and asks me if i would like to teach his two kids conversational English... hahaha and so now i have two students. Well, actually 4 now, 2 adults that ask me to teach them by default. i guess my ugly ass problem is that i really have no guts or talent to sell my talent or my skills and then i end up having nothing. But then i'm humble in many ways without really much spending money, but money for food (more like vegetable and egg) and once in a while some snacks that is it. I don't drive, so no gas money worry, i don't even take public transportation, since i can ride my bicycle anywhere i want. Anywhere is just around here and there. Not really anywhere far..... AS for ARt and toys and everything. I guess being back here in Taiwan beats my lazy lifestyle in the States. i have realzie that i have wasted a lot of time. Time does flys by fast, but life must go one and so i just move forward and now i am free from my demons!