Friday, June 7, 2013

Life in the Kitchen

Dear diary,

life is life and life is real, but what is life when life is just life?

the truth is no one wants to admits the truth. and this is the truth.

its been a year since i left Taiwan, i try not to think about it, but thinking about Taiwan just mades me sad.  I really love Taiwan and i wanted to stay there and have a life there, but life is really just life, you just got to do what you got to do and make the best of it.

all those folks i met in taiwan really really are some of the warmest folks that i have ever met.  Mostly old folks, i don't know, i just don't click with the younger folks. anyways, what the fok!

Well, being back here in the good old california.  i mean i don't dislike or hate l.a, but i just feel like we just drive and drive to everywhere. and every where there is the same mall , with the same old brands in different branches.  every city you go there is the same mall near your house. i mean some malls ARE fancier, but mostly the same....

so its been a year since i've been working at dad's place cooking and chopping and cleaning in the kitchen.  dad really really is childish.  he is just too old school and need to get out of that nasty old habit that don't belong in the kitchen!.......  like yelling at people when we are just learning. is not like i wanted this job in the first place.  so this is my document just to remind myself how dad has change since Christ worked through us!....

 i tell you the truth, at times, we just want to kill each other, never with knifes, which is a good thing... but he for some reason always want to challange me to a fight!!!  For reals... i'm like dude, are you serious?  I'll whip your ass upside down! cause i've been learning kung fu from the internet.

and the f up thing is that, every fight i'm always the blame for it!  if you seen Nightmare Kitchen you have seen how me and my dad is but worse when we fight! really.... is like, for example. when there was food that was going stinking bad, he would argue that it is not bad.. and i'm like "What"... this tofu is sour... then we get in to argument and i would be saying... "if you serve this to the customers, people will know, people are not stupid...!" then he would get any angry start cusing in Chinese and says "I quit!"  and i would be all freak out, cos i still dont' know now to cook some of the other dishes.

but its a great  thing now. after one year of all this fighting and shooting and cussing at one another we finally just let it go.  i only pray to God that if my dad would sever bad food or have a bad attitude, let him have no business.  and here is the funny part and it happens!

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