Matthew 24
The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times
1 Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2 “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”
3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”
4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.
9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.
22 “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. 23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.
26 “So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28 Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.
29 “Immediately after the distress of those days
“‘the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give its light;
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’[b]
30 “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth[c] will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.[d] 31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.
32 “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33 Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it[e] is near, right at the door. 34 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
The Day and Hour Unknown
36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[f] but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
42 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 43 But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. 44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.
45 “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? 46 It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. 47 Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possessions. 48 But suppose that servant is wicked and says to himself, ‘My master is staying away a long time,’ 49 and he then begins to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards. 50 The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. 51 He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
P.S. i have no idea about polictics and religions and what not... seriously i'm just a toy geek who wants to make toys for a living and i believe in Jesus Christ (not religions)... the truth is the truth.... have faith! (PEACE!)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
A Grouchy Day 2/23/2010
Dear diary,
i don't know what is going on around this world today, but alot of things is surely happening with Earthquakes, peace protests, war, economy, etc. It kind of reminds me of the 1960's, but with more Checker Borad games as the politicans would play! Also some preacher dudes would say that "Jesus's seconding coming is near...!"
Everything at work is going pretty steady now as a Care Taker for old folks with Alzhiemer's disease. i'm Getting faster and faster as i wake them up and get them dress and brush their teeth for breakfast. The thing is, it might seem easy, but they will fight you about getting up... depending on the day and the mood.
As i said before, these old folks are not as nice as one would think... They can shout at you, hit you, boss you around, even race calling (that kind of piss me off)..
you know, the thing is... God created humans with a variety of different cultures, colors of skin, languages, shapes, sizes, look etc. all for the reason of creativity. Creativity with love for various variety. And Variety is great, i'm happy to eat hamburger, Roti prata, burito, roast duck, kim chi, meatloaf, etc. i mean, you can give a chicken to 10 guys from 10 different countries and you will have 10 very different dishes and taste.
Racism is just backward thinking... it's mean, it's hate, it's rude, it's childish and its judging a whole entire race....
i mean come one... we humans are all the same as one kind, we all sleep, eat, shit, shower, fart burp, etc.
This kind of got me down, hearing the nice old granny that i help saying racial slurrsss really makes me angry and at the sametime, i have to forgive them since they don't know excatly who they are anylonger, but it also lets me ponder on who they were before...
Well the drama with LoveMama (a.k.a MeanMaMa)... boy does PRAYER do wonders (God answers!!! Thanks everyone for Praying)... LoveMama, has really became LoveMama... hahaha i'm not shock nor surprise, but i was just thinking, when will God really do the work on her! And boy, has her voice became sweeter and less yelling. She even help me change some diapers and also didn't yell at me and even remind me about certain things that i need to remember and do. Again, thanks for the awesome prayers and of course we have to thank God for listening and answering!!!
Oh one thing, please pray for LoveMama's husband who works in a steel factory and sprang his arm...
Also please pray for my hernia and it is getting BEtter and smaller!!!
To comfirm that hernia can be heal by exercising... one new resident moved in and he used to be a football couch for a famous college! So i ask Couch-KillBill doesn know anything about hernia. And this guys can still alot of things, i don't know how forgetful he is.... but he knew alot about health and exercise and also about hernia! He told me that it can be heal by exercise to make the muscles stronger, so that pouch or whatever won't fall. so please please please keep on praying for me to do my exercise and let the muscles be build around the hernia area and fit that piece of organ right back to place. Its not a disease its just a freaking hernia!
Couch-KillBill wears his coach hat to the dinning hall everyday. Plus he can't really walk straight, so he needs to use a walker to walk. He's a firm stern man and he doesn't take any bullshit from some of the caretakers yelling.
Anyways... at times i get bore with this whole daily routine... its repeat and repeat and reapeat... kind of like "Groundhog's Day" (the movie) for them. At times i love it, and at other times i hate this job. I still need to get use to the morning waking up and showers and then i'm gonna try to get them all in a circle like how we do it in Chruch(hahaha). so that we can play some games or group activities... after breakfast, we just play some 1920's Benny Goodman music (which is good!) and they just do the same old puzzle and the same old rip magazines and thats it (which is bad).
I heard that Majong is good for them. So i'm gonna ask the folks at work if i can bring my majong set to work... that should be fun! (please Pray for me about this!!!!)
Oh yeah... Mrs. Rosy is a tall lady that loves my puma shoes. I always thought she was a calm and cool old lady that knows that she has alzheimer's and is always very polite. Well yesterday, so one sat on her chair or something... Mrs. Rosy took off her shoes and starts shouting.... "Don't you come near me MotherFer... i'm gonna beat jaHhhAAA ass~! Woooooooweeeee and then this afternoon, i was trying to change her roommate's diaeper... as i was about to close the door, she goes "What you be doing with my door! Don't you touch that! This is my room too...."
So i'm still getting to know all these residents. Its's been about a month or so now...
i don't know what is going on around this world today, but alot of things is surely happening with Earthquakes, peace protests, war, economy, etc. It kind of reminds me of the 1960's, but with more Checker Borad games as the politicans would play! Also some preacher dudes would say that "Jesus's seconding coming is near...!"
Everything at work is going pretty steady now as a Care Taker for old folks with Alzhiemer's disease. i'm Getting faster and faster as i wake them up and get them dress and brush their teeth for breakfast. The thing is, it might seem easy, but they will fight you about getting up... depending on the day and the mood.
As i said before, these old folks are not as nice as one would think... They can shout at you, hit you, boss you around, even race calling (that kind of piss me off)..
you know, the thing is... God created humans with a variety of different cultures, colors of skin, languages, shapes, sizes, look etc. all for the reason of creativity. Creativity with love for various variety. And Variety is great, i'm happy to eat hamburger, Roti prata, burito, roast duck, kim chi, meatloaf, etc. i mean, you can give a chicken to 10 guys from 10 different countries and you will have 10 very different dishes and taste.
Racism is just backward thinking... it's mean, it's hate, it's rude, it's childish and its judging a whole entire race....
i mean come one... we humans are all the same as one kind, we all sleep, eat, shit, shower, fart burp, etc.
This kind of got me down, hearing the nice old granny that i help saying racial slurrsss really makes me angry and at the sametime, i have to forgive them since they don't know excatly who they are anylonger, but it also lets me ponder on who they were before...
Well the drama with LoveMama (a.k.a MeanMaMa)... boy does PRAYER do wonders (God answers!!! Thanks everyone for Praying)... LoveMama, has really became LoveMama... hahaha i'm not shock nor surprise, but i was just thinking, when will God really do the work on her! And boy, has her voice became sweeter and less yelling. She even help me change some diapers and also didn't yell at me and even remind me about certain things that i need to remember and do. Again, thanks for the awesome prayers and of course we have to thank God for listening and answering!!!
Oh one thing, please pray for LoveMama's husband who works in a steel factory and sprang his arm...
Also please pray for my hernia and it is getting BEtter and smaller!!!
To comfirm that hernia can be heal by exercising... one new resident moved in and he used to be a football couch for a famous college! So i ask Couch-KillBill doesn know anything about hernia. And this guys can still alot of things, i don't know how forgetful he is.... but he knew alot about health and exercise and also about hernia! He told me that it can be heal by exercise to make the muscles stronger, so that pouch or whatever won't fall. so please please please keep on praying for me to do my exercise and let the muscles be build around the hernia area and fit that piece of organ right back to place. Its not a disease its just a freaking hernia!
Couch-KillBill wears his coach hat to the dinning hall everyday. Plus he can't really walk straight, so he needs to use a walker to walk. He's a firm stern man and he doesn't take any bullshit from some of the caretakers yelling.
Anyways... at times i get bore with this whole daily routine... its repeat and repeat and reapeat... kind of like "Groundhog's Day" (the movie) for them. At times i love it, and at other times i hate this job. I still need to get use to the morning waking up and showers and then i'm gonna try to get them all in a circle like how we do it in Chruch(hahaha). so that we can play some games or group activities... after breakfast, we just play some 1920's Benny Goodman music (which is good!) and they just do the same old puzzle and the same old rip magazines and thats it (which is bad).
I heard that Majong is good for them. So i'm gonna ask the folks at work if i can bring my majong set to work... that should be fun! (please Pray for me about this!!!!)
Oh yeah... Mrs. Rosy is a tall lady that loves my puma shoes. I always thought she was a calm and cool old lady that knows that she has alzheimer's and is always very polite. Well yesterday, so one sat on her chair or something... Mrs. Rosy took off her shoes and starts shouting.... "Don't you come near me MotherFer... i'm gonna beat jaHhhAAA ass~! Woooooooweeeee and then this afternoon, i was trying to change her roommate's diaeper... as i was about to close the door, she goes "What you be doing with my door! Don't you touch that! This is my room too...."
So i'm still getting to know all these residents. Its's been about a month or so now...
Friday, February 18, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Work, Life, & the Cure! (2/13/2011)
Dear diary,
Believe it or not, this is what i need to do in order to cure and heal my Hernia. As simple as that, but i still have to have selfcontrol... mind and body... anger, in-take of smoke, self abuse, and eating unhealthy all contribute to our health... so its time to stop and take over your life.
Natural rememdies is the best way to keep your body natural and healthy.
Please please please pray for heal and importanly discipline in taking care of One's health. Becos we human tend to "feed the flesh" as Jesus would say... which we do... we enjoy and induldge and we regret when we get old all sorts of body pain.
I mean people in the old days... like in the Bible days, people live longer, well, i can only think that everything was ORGANIC. Also people walked everywhere and everyone does farming and washing and hunting etc. pleanty of physical labor and exercise. And the AIR (very IMPORTANT!) was clean and fresh. Unlike today with all the pollutions from our transportations system and people not wanting to spent money to imporve....I mean, we can still clean the air up today if we want to. Just create more ECO-Friendly systems... its not that hard right? I mean with today's technology??? But i guess the world is busy at WAR and Making Money since OIL makes money... so who cares about Eco-Friendly...
One thing for sure, i have learn from my own unhealthy pleasures of feeding my flesh... got me some major heartburn...
This site help me with my heartburn and healed my heartburn 100% (when i was a smoker). But we must fellow the DO's and DON"TTT (veryIMPORTANT). At times i didn'ts, so i must face the consequences.....
Here is another site that heals with natural remedies. ( i think this one is from Nigeria)
Remember i'm not a doctor or a nurse or have any kind of medical training and stuff. But i'm just a toy geek that is unhealthy and wants to be healthy. But lets use some common sense.... how can drug that is mixed with chemicals heal anyone??? Plus whats with all those freaking side effects??? Be honest now... how many pills and painkiller do you really need to take???? Do you know that one PILL for headache or for Allergy or for anything even anti-acid will stay in your system for a very very long time. A doctor told me this. Also you seen those commericals for drugs... they honestly will tell you the LISTS of side effect that sounds so deadly that i don't even know why people still take it???
Also... have an open mind... just becos stoners and pothead "mess Up" the concept that this natural HERB can help and heal in many ways. And i tell you the truth, if we don't abuse it, but just use it when needed, it is save and no side effects and calm and happy and peaceful. Not to promote this natural earth grown (God made) product. Seriously! This is the ancient way! Do NOT judge, for there is only one juge, who is standing at the door. the Creator.
Give "RUN FROM THE CURE" a good watch... its hard to believe, but i believe (the OIL works)
Also do try to do other researches (remember is about the THC, you don't need to smoke it!...)
Speaking of Cancer, i notice that quite a few of the Grandma's i helped at the Alzheimer's old folks center have breast cancers (from me changing their clothes). I guess some were tramatize by it or that the husband left them.
Oh yeah... LoveMaMa was kind of mean today, but she was more loving and caring but still yelling like a mad dog at times... gosh oh gee oh wee... today we actually had real conversations about her cold (being sick and about the residents). Its was cool talking to her and getting to know her, but she can still get on my nerves becos she takes alot of breaks and loves bossing me around. I told God, i'll take any crap from her, just as long as my hernia doesn't hurt.... hahaha and its awesome!
Pray pray pray!!!!!!! THANKS a TRILLIONSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways.... please pray for my hernia. Is getting better! Please Pray that i have strengh in my mind body soul and spirit. So that i can be healthy to take care of people not them taking care of me.... boo hooo hooooooo~!
God Bless Us ALLLLL!
Believe it or not, this is what i need to do in order to cure and heal my Hernia. As simple as that, but i still have to have selfcontrol... mind and body... anger, in-take of smoke, self abuse, and eating unhealthy all contribute to our health... so its time to stop and take over your life.
Natural rememdies is the best way to keep your body natural and healthy.
Please please please pray for heal and importanly discipline in taking care of One's health. Becos we human tend to "feed the flesh" as Jesus would say... which we do... we enjoy and induldge and we regret when we get old all sorts of body pain.
I mean people in the old days... like in the Bible days, people live longer, well, i can only think that everything was ORGANIC. Also people walked everywhere and everyone does farming and washing and hunting etc. pleanty of physical labor and exercise. And the AIR (very IMPORTANT!) was clean and fresh. Unlike today with all the pollutions from our transportations system and people not wanting to spent money to imporve....I mean, we can still clean the air up today if we want to. Just create more ECO-Friendly systems... its not that hard right? I mean with today's technology??? But i guess the world is busy at WAR and Making Money since OIL makes money... so who cares about Eco-Friendly...
One thing for sure, i have learn from my own unhealthy pleasures of feeding my flesh... got me some major heartburn...
This site help me with my heartburn and healed my heartburn 100% (when i was a smoker). But we must fellow the DO's and DON"TTT (veryIMPORTANT). At times i didn'ts, so i must face the consequences.....
Here is another site that heals with natural remedies. ( i think this one is from Nigeria)
Remember i'm not a doctor or a nurse or have any kind of medical training and stuff. But i'm just a toy geek that is unhealthy and wants to be healthy. But lets use some common sense.... how can drug that is mixed with chemicals heal anyone??? Plus whats with all those freaking side effects??? Be honest now... how many pills and painkiller do you really need to take???? Do you know that one PILL for headache or for Allergy or for anything even anti-acid will stay in your system for a very very long time. A doctor told me this. Also you seen those commericals for drugs... they honestly will tell you the LISTS of side effect that sounds so deadly that i don't even know why people still take it???
Also... have an open mind... just becos stoners and pothead "mess Up" the concept that this natural HERB can help and heal in many ways. And i tell you the truth, if we don't abuse it, but just use it when needed, it is save and no side effects and calm and happy and peaceful. Not to promote this natural earth grown (God made) product. Seriously! This is the ancient way! Do NOT judge, for there is only one juge, who is standing at the door. the Creator.
Give "RUN FROM THE CURE" a good watch... its hard to believe, but i believe (the OIL works)
Also do try to do other researches (remember is about the THC, you don't need to smoke it!...)
Speaking of Cancer, i notice that quite a few of the Grandma's i helped at the Alzheimer's old folks center have breast cancers (from me changing their clothes). I guess some were tramatize by it or that the husband left them.
Oh yeah... LoveMaMa was kind of mean today, but she was more loving and caring but still yelling like a mad dog at times... gosh oh gee oh wee... today we actually had real conversations about her cold (being sick and about the residents). Its was cool talking to her and getting to know her, but she can still get on my nerves becos she takes alot of breaks and loves bossing me around. I told God, i'll take any crap from her, just as long as my hernia doesn't hurt.... hahaha and its awesome!
Pray pray pray!!!!!!! THANKS a TRILLIONSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways.... please pray for my hernia. Is getting better! Please Pray that i have strengh in my mind body soul and spirit. So that i can be healthy to take care of people not them taking care of me.... boo hooo hooooooo~!
God Bless Us ALLLLL!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Painless Day (2/12/2011)
*The names have been changed to protect the folks and privacy, thanks"
Dear diary,
The prayers from everyone really works! Thanks so much and please please please keep on praying. The things is... God's answered prayer is always realstic and if we stop and listen, He will always lead you to the answer.
Even with this Hernia, it is a lesson on not being frustrated or anxious or worried. Cause, the lump is still there, but the pain was gone... till i got angry with LoveMaMa and it became painful. So you know our whole body system is related to one another, scientist has and have and is always been doing research on God's creation. Think about our cells, how it moves and functions its like all set up and cordinated as one set up and puzzled it together. So one part of your body will react to it. So anger can lead to unhappiness with your body, cause maybe some CELLs are not doing nomral thing.... like out of order...
This video just shows us how detail can one little Cell be... God is a crazy mad scientist!
Today working as a care taker for Alzheimer's disease for old folks was nerve wrecking and peacefully working togeter with LoveMama. She didn't yell and she only rasied her voice at the right time... like someone taking each others food and stuff. So please pray that she really becomes LOVEmama! Then we can focus on being creative rather just worried about making bed and stuff. This job can be so fun if we want to! Cause we are baiscally the babysitter of these old folks. And trust me, they are like babies!
One might think that old folks are all sweet and nice and tender and peaceful. They can be pretty mean and evil. Like this one lady SneakyLucy, i don't know, but she knows everything. I don't think she really has Alzheimer's disease, but just will repeat certain thing. Funny thing is, everyone talks about their SON! Anyways, SneakyLucy would always mock the person sitting next to her and she'll say "Ask her what's her name and she doesn't know... hahahahaha"
And i don't know, they are like babies... they really don't know if they wet their diapers or not and plus some don't even know if they ate their foods or not, so it can be really mess up!
This one lady LittlePIPPI who reminds me of a grouchy 8 years that just want to sleep in bed all day. And she always makes a big old fuzz about us always telling her what to do and she always says "NO... NO ... N.... O.... NO, I will NOT go the DINNING Hall with you!" and I would always have to be like a parent or teacher and say "Well now LittlePippi, you can't sleep in bed all day, you will get a headach, come on.... let's go and get some juice and some yummy delicious breakfast! Oh... i'm so hungry just thinking about it!" And she would shout "I Will NOt GO!" then i go " Okay! LittlePippi, its time to get UP!" then she gets up all grouchy but she will smile at the dinning her and sometimes she will eat 2 bites and sometimes the whole plate." But lately, she has been ill or something and 2 days ago...she fainted. I don't know what to say and do about these things. We try so bad to feed her and try to keep her awake, but she just really puts up a big old fight! Sigh... please pray for LittlePippi!
This week, i haven't had time to really talk to any of them except today with Mr. Miyaki who really wants an exercise bike. So today i saw his daughter agian and told her that she should consider one for him to exericse his leg and use that part of the brain.
This is important, since our brian is like a computer, different part of the brain do different types of things... so if one part of the brain is damage...that part you have to retrain it again and you can repare it relearning! I don't know... this is just a theory.
Please pray that i shouldn't care about office gossips and junks of that sort... i really just want to have peace and do the best i can and f off and go home and do art and eat dinner! Really, i'm really too old and too tried for office gossips... Thanks!!!
One thing i learned from working with the other Caregivers here is that as long as we forgive, God will always be here and there for us! Also i need to be tougher. Its all about ATTITUDE.
*The names have been changed to protect the folks and privacy, thanks"
Dear diary,
The prayers from everyone really works! Thanks so much and please please please keep on praying. The things is... God's answered prayer is always realstic and if we stop and listen, He will always lead you to the answer.
Even with this Hernia, it is a lesson on not being frustrated or anxious or worried. Cause, the lump is still there, but the pain was gone... till i got angry with LoveMaMa and it became painful. So you know our whole body system is related to one another, scientist has and have and is always been doing research on God's creation. Think about our cells, how it moves and functions its like all set up and cordinated as one set up and puzzled it together. So one part of your body will react to it. So anger can lead to unhappiness with your body, cause maybe some CELLs are not doing nomral thing.... like out of order...
This video just shows us how detail can one little Cell be... God is a crazy mad scientist!
Today working as a care taker for Alzheimer's disease for old folks was nerve wrecking and peacefully working togeter with LoveMama. She didn't yell and she only rasied her voice at the right time... like someone taking each others food and stuff. So please pray that she really becomes LOVEmama! Then we can focus on being creative rather just worried about making bed and stuff. This job can be so fun if we want to! Cause we are baiscally the babysitter of these old folks. And trust me, they are like babies!
One might think that old folks are all sweet and nice and tender and peaceful. They can be pretty mean and evil. Like this one lady SneakyLucy, i don't know, but she knows everything. I don't think she really has Alzheimer's disease, but just will repeat certain thing. Funny thing is, everyone talks about their SON! Anyways, SneakyLucy would always mock the person sitting next to her and she'll say "Ask her what's her name and she doesn't know... hahahahaha"
And i don't know, they are like babies... they really don't know if they wet their diapers or not and plus some don't even know if they ate their foods or not, so it can be really mess up!
This one lady LittlePIPPI who reminds me of a grouchy 8 years that just want to sleep in bed all day. And she always makes a big old fuzz about us always telling her what to do and she always says "NO... NO ... N.... O.... NO, I will NOT go the DINNING Hall with you!" and I would always have to be like a parent or teacher and say "Well now LittlePippi, you can't sleep in bed all day, you will get a headach, come on.... let's go and get some juice and some yummy delicious breakfast! Oh... i'm so hungry just thinking about it!" And she would shout "I Will NOt GO!" then i go " Okay! LittlePippi, its time to get UP!" then she gets up all grouchy but she will smile at the dinning her and sometimes she will eat 2 bites and sometimes the whole plate." But lately, she has been ill or something and 2 days ago...she fainted. I don't know what to say and do about these things. We try so bad to feed her and try to keep her awake, but she just really puts up a big old fight! Sigh... please pray for LittlePippi!
This week, i haven't had time to really talk to any of them except today with Mr. Miyaki who really wants an exercise bike. So today i saw his daughter agian and told her that she should consider one for him to exericse his leg and use that part of the brain.
This is important, since our brian is like a computer, different part of the brain do different types of things... so if one part of the brain is damage...that part you have to retrain it again and you can repare it relearning! I don't know... this is just a theory.
Please pray that i shouldn't care about office gossips and junks of that sort... i really just want to have peace and do the best i can and f off and go home and do art and eat dinner! Really, i'm really too old and too tried for office gossips... Thanks!!!
One thing i learned from working with the other Caregivers here is that as long as we forgive, God will always be here and there for us! Also i need to be tougher. Its all about ATTITUDE.
*The names have been changed to protect the folks and privacy, thanks"
Friday, February 11, 2011
No Mood (2/11/2011)
Dear diary,
Its been tiring mentally and phsycially...
I still think life is hard becos we humans tend make things hard for one another...
Well its been a busy week finishing up the clay characters for Sarah's short film.
Well, i'm still working as a Caretake at the Alzhimer's center for the old folks.
I didn't quit, Well, please pray for my INGUINAL Hernia. I really don't want to get an operation, and i know that God can do all things, cause He created us and knows each single cells inside our systems, so like the inventor whom can fixed what he invented. So God our the creator can fix and heal anything that He created in His UNiverse.
So please please pray with Faith, cause i know it can heal if we have FAITH (very important)...
I have Faith, but if you pray for someone without any Faith, it doesn't work. Faith is all about trust and truely belive. So i don't care, pray with Faith, cause i don't have any freaking money for this nasty surgery! And i know He can heal!!! So have FAith and don't be afraid and PRAY!
i am in Pain, but not afraid, cause i have FAITH....Thanks!
Hebrews 11:6
But without Faith it is impossible to please Him, for he comes to God must believe that HE is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!
As for work, i still love it (besides the little pain.), i'm getting use the place, the people and the whole attitude. I don't care about MeanMaMa any longer, i just want heal and know that LoveMama will come alive.
okay... its 7pm gonna go rest now... LIke a freaking old man!
peace and God Bless Us All!
Its been tiring mentally and phsycially...
I still think life is hard becos we humans tend make things hard for one another...
Well its been a busy week finishing up the clay characters for Sarah's short film.
Well, i'm still working as a Caretake at the Alzhimer's center for the old folks.
I didn't quit, Well, please pray for my INGUINAL Hernia. I really don't want to get an operation, and i know that God can do all things, cause He created us and knows each single cells inside our systems, so like the inventor whom can fixed what he invented. So God our the creator can fix and heal anything that He created in His UNiverse.
So please please pray with Faith, cause i know it can heal if we have FAITH (very important)...
I have Faith, but if you pray for someone without any Faith, it doesn't work. Faith is all about trust and truely belive. So i don't care, pray with Faith, cause i don't have any freaking money for this nasty surgery! And i know He can heal!!! So have FAith and don't be afraid and PRAY!
i am in Pain, but not afraid, cause i have FAITH....Thanks!
Hebrews 11:6
But without Faith it is impossible to please Him, for he comes to God must believe that HE is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!
As for work, i still love it (besides the little pain.), i'm getting use the place, the people and the whole attitude. I don't care about MeanMaMa any longer, i just want heal and know that LoveMama will come alive.
okay... its 7pm gonna go rest now... LIke a freaking old man!
peace and God Bless Us All!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
What a Folking Day! (2/6/2011)
*The names have been changed to protect the folks and privacy, thanks"
Dear diary,
Man... i think i screw up big time this time as a Caretaker at the Old Folks Alzheimer's Center....
Well.. this morning started out like a Church! Everyone is bright and early and no compliants from the Grandpa and Grandma's and they really listen to us this morning without a fuzz or a fight... cause they can be all so irratiting like a litte 4 year old brat. Telling them to get up takes pampering and softvoice or some just YELLS like a Dictator!
This morning was peaceful working with this girl caretaker that really pisses me off... her name is MeanMaMa! MeanMaMa the care taker just bosses them around like a "crazy arse birch! She doesn't even know it... you know... sorry for the foul language, but this is the only way to describle her to understand her.
Is bad enough that we have get 24 slow motion walking foul mouth talking old folks cursing at you about "good Morning!". We don't need MeanMaMa being all like a Hitler telling up to behave and shutup and sit down and do nothing fun and creative! Geezz Wizz no wonder no one smiles in there... seriously everytime i work with her, i lose my appetite...
Well, like i said each day is different from other days and sometimes crazy things just happened today....
1) 10:30 we went for a natural walk and I was walking with this dude named Mr.Miyaki. Yes, he is Japanese but he's totally JBA. So this morning we walked and talked, everyone warned me that i have to watch out for Mr. Miyaki, cause he doesn't walk too well. Mr. Miyaki wants to pratice walking, so instead of sitting on the wheel chair, he pushes the wheel chair. I was walking and talking to him and thinking what to ask him and i had this chacolate bar and i wanted to share with him and then he felled! I almost crap in my pants, but good this i held on to me and geezzz this was a big learning lesson... i really thought he could walk, since he seems to understand pretty well.
2) Today was the worst in arse wiping. If there was a contest, i might of win (there was one), i started to change the diapers and she just starts pooping and i was like 'AHHHHHHHHHHH" that all i said... and wipe as fast as i can! Then there is another patient with a whole in the stomach, that's where she poopsm, from her stomach, into a barf bag... so that is how we take out her poop. I don't know, what is worse, the poop or the stomach with the whole. Then around noon, i had to wake up some resident's from their baby naps... and this old lady poop alll over her bed..., it was a big smellly foul up mess!!! I was just like "ahhhhhhh.h....." but you know what, just think your parents change your diapers, and now we're changing daieper's for them. hahaha
2) During lunch time at the dinning hall... MeanMaMa, just being all grouchy and moody and just forces thing and rushing pushing people to eat faster and she doesn't even care if they still want it or not, she just don't care. And today, she did something, i couldn't stand... Mr. C can to see Mrs. Molly, Molly is the lady who just walks up and down from her room to the dinning hall. And they just always tell her to go to her room. i understnad the reason is becos they don't want her to walk around the dinning hall, but we should try to let up, cause i feel that sometimes Molly wants to be with the gang... so that's why she would check us out at times, but the nurse told us to just send her to her room... which i think willl only make matters worse!
Mr. C wants to feed Molly inside the dinning hall, but MeanMaMa actually yelled and refused them and not only that, she yelled at Molly and said "MOLLY GO BACK TO YOUR ROOOOM!" It was folk up man!!!!! Mr. C keep his cool and i couldn't believe it!!! I was like "WoW" he even smiled at MeanMaMa and made a joke with her. I was "huh" and everyone was just quiet there.
Then MeanMaMa tells me to togo and change so and so's diapers. As i can back most of the visitors are all gone, except for Mr. Miyaki's daughter. MeanMaMa just keep bossing me to feed who and who and what is the percentage for who and who ate how much. And i was like already quite angry about everything, and my stomach had nerve pain from being pisss with her... so it was an awful feeling! Then she asked me "how much did Mrs. Fu-Fu eat and drink". i totally forgot, so i just gave her a random number, estimated from her daily meals... so i said "Mrs. Fu-Fu ate 80/90" and purposely in front of Mr. Miyaki's daughter, she asked me, "how did i did i get that?". I was piss, you know why, cause she always just puts "100/100"... but its not acurate... and the things is, i always get yelled at by the Superviors that I must fill every very acurate for their bowlments and diets, etc. All for health reasons! Plus, the Supervisors told me that this is very important, becos we are like doctors. Plus, some of them don't even touch the food and she puts 20% (which should be freaking 0%)... so i was piss. and i shouted " I quite!" And she laughs!!!! and then i said "this is what you wanted isn't it!" "And she smirks and and said "no i didn't"...
3) So i ran out and said to the front desk person and told her that i quite! And she told me to sit down and let about it and then another person came and then all of a sudeen they told me to explain what happened and i told them stright out about MeanMaMa always "yelling" and i asked them, is this the way we tell them to do things??? And i guess i preach a bit about "loving and repecting one another" and good thing they were all Christians and 2 wearing crossing on their neck. And they told me they need me here and after talking and talking, i was ask to write a statement and they told me to think about it please..."
That was the mess... and after much thinking and thinking and thinking... i realize that if i don't go back that means that i didn't forgive, so i should bs around about what i know. So i'm gonna stay and wipe more butts and make this place a fun and joyful place for everyone!!!
Please pray for joy and creativeness and lots of fun for everyone~! Let MeanMaMa become LoveMaMa and boy will there be a change! And please pray for my hernia, I have FAITH!"
Exercise is very important to keep our BRAIN Healthy and positivness!!!!!
God Bless Us All!
*The names have been changed to protect the folks and privacy, thanks"
Dear diary,
Man... i think i screw up big time this time as a Caretaker at the Old Folks Alzheimer's Center....
Well.. this morning started out like a Church! Everyone is bright and early and no compliants from the Grandpa and Grandma's and they really listen to us this morning without a fuzz or a fight... cause they can be all so irratiting like a litte 4 year old brat. Telling them to get up takes pampering and softvoice or some just YELLS like a Dictator!
This morning was peaceful working with this girl caretaker that really pisses me off... her name is MeanMaMa! MeanMaMa the care taker just bosses them around like a "crazy arse birch! She doesn't even know it... you know... sorry for the foul language, but this is the only way to describle her to understand her.
Is bad enough that we have get 24 slow motion walking foul mouth talking old folks cursing at you about "good Morning!". We don't need MeanMaMa being all like a Hitler telling up to behave and shutup and sit down and do nothing fun and creative! Geezz Wizz no wonder no one smiles in there... seriously everytime i work with her, i lose my appetite...
Well, like i said each day is different from other days and sometimes crazy things just happened today....
1) 10:30 we went for a natural walk and I was walking with this dude named Mr.Miyaki. Yes, he is Japanese but he's totally JBA. So this morning we walked and talked, everyone warned me that i have to watch out for Mr. Miyaki, cause he doesn't walk too well. Mr. Miyaki wants to pratice walking, so instead of sitting on the wheel chair, he pushes the wheel chair. I was walking and talking to him and thinking what to ask him and i had this chacolate bar and i wanted to share with him and then he felled! I almost crap in my pants, but good this i held on to me and geezzz this was a big learning lesson... i really thought he could walk, since he seems to understand pretty well.
2) Today was the worst in arse wiping. If there was a contest, i might of win (there was one), i started to change the diapers and she just starts pooping and i was like 'AHHHHHHHHHHH" that all i said... and wipe as fast as i can! Then there is another patient with a whole in the stomach, that's where she poopsm, from her stomach, into a barf bag... so that is how we take out her poop. I don't know, what is worse, the poop or the stomach with the whole. Then around noon, i had to wake up some resident's from their baby naps... and this old lady poop alll over her bed..., it was a big smellly foul up mess!!! I was just like "ahhhhhhh.h....." but you know what, just think your parents change your diapers, and now we're changing daieper's for them. hahaha
2) During lunch time at the dinning hall... MeanMaMa, just being all grouchy and moody and just forces thing and rushing pushing people to eat faster and she doesn't even care if they still want it or not, she just don't care. And today, she did something, i couldn't stand... Mr. C can to see Mrs. Molly, Molly is the lady who just walks up and down from her room to the dinning hall. And they just always tell her to go to her room. i understnad the reason is becos they don't want her to walk around the dinning hall, but we should try to let up, cause i feel that sometimes Molly wants to be with the gang... so that's why she would check us out at times, but the nurse told us to just send her to her room... which i think willl only make matters worse!
Mr. C wants to feed Molly inside the dinning hall, but MeanMaMa actually yelled and refused them and not only that, she yelled at Molly and said "MOLLY GO BACK TO YOUR ROOOOM!" It was folk up man!!!!! Mr. C keep his cool and i couldn't believe it!!! I was like "WoW" he even smiled at MeanMaMa and made a joke with her. I was "huh" and everyone was just quiet there.
Then MeanMaMa tells me to togo and change so and so's diapers. As i can back most of the visitors are all gone, except for Mr. Miyaki's daughter. MeanMaMa just keep bossing me to feed who and who and what is the percentage for who and who ate how much. And i was like already quite angry about everything, and my stomach had nerve pain from being pisss with her... so it was an awful feeling! Then she asked me "how much did Mrs. Fu-Fu eat and drink". i totally forgot, so i just gave her a random number, estimated from her daily meals... so i said "Mrs. Fu-Fu ate 80/90" and purposely in front of Mr. Miyaki's daughter, she asked me, "how did i did i get that?". I was piss, you know why, cause she always just puts "100/100"... but its not acurate... and the things is, i always get yelled at by the Superviors that I must fill every very acurate for their bowlments and diets, etc. All for health reasons! Plus, the Supervisors told me that this is very important, becos we are like doctors. Plus, some of them don't even touch the food and she puts 20% (which should be freaking 0%)... so i was piss. and i shouted " I quite!" And she laughs!!!! and then i said "this is what you wanted isn't it!" "And she smirks and and said "no i didn't"...
3) So i ran out and said to the front desk person and told her that i quite! And she told me to sit down and let about it and then another person came and then all of a sudeen they told me to explain what happened and i told them stright out about MeanMaMa always "yelling" and i asked them, is this the way we tell them to do things??? And i guess i preach a bit about "loving and repecting one another" and good thing they were all Christians and 2 wearing crossing on their neck. And they told me they need me here and after talking and talking, i was ask to write a statement and they told me to think about it please..."
That was the mess... and after much thinking and thinking and thinking... i realize that if i don't go back that means that i didn't forgive, so i should bs around about what i know. So i'm gonna stay and wipe more butts and make this place a fun and joyful place for everyone!!!
Please pray for joy and creativeness and lots of fun for everyone~! Let MeanMaMa become LoveMaMa and boy will there be a change! And please pray for my hernia, I have FAITH!"
Exercise is very important to keep our BRAIN Healthy and positivness!!!!!
God Bless Us All!
*The names have been changed to protect the folks and privacy, thanks"
Friday, February 4, 2011
Still Need More Muscles (2/4/2011)
"Names have been changed to protect and for privacy... thanks!"
Dear diary...
well the thing is, i love this job, but i hate working with a certain person that always yellSS!! She just pisses me off.... she yells at them and then when there is visitors, she acts all nice. I hate that!!!
Anyways, please pray that she change heart and be kind to all the old folks at the center and understands that hopefully one day she won't get Alzheimer's and gets a mean lady that treats her badly... Please pray.
I enjoy this job.. is is is a Challenge... so that is the fun part of it (the challenge)... like just enjoying life where God puts you regardless how mess up or how fun the situation is. At least you know that this is part of life and part of learning and growing..... testing the spirits of the fruits
Dear diary...
well the thing is, i love this job, but i hate working with a certain person that always yellSS!! She just pisses me off.... she yells at them and then when there is visitors, she acts all nice. I hate that!!!
Anyways, please pray that she change heart and be kind to all the old folks at the center and understands that hopefully one day she won't get Alzheimer's and gets a mean lady that treats her badly... Please pray.
I enjoy this job.. is is is a Challenge... so that is the fun part of it (the challenge)... like just enjoying life where God puts you regardless how mess up or how fun the situation is. At least you know that this is part of life and part of learning and growing..... testing the spirits of the fruits
Life by the Spirit
13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh[a]; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. 16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever[c] you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
Talk about SELFCONTROL!!! I want to yell too, at her!
Well... another new patient moved in... He's a total Christian... The only thing i saw on his desk is the Holy Bible and the book "Tuesday with Morrie" which he was reading. Funny thing is, Tuesday with Morrie was the book that got me kind of learn about God. Well... Mr. Angel, the new patient seems like someone I can have some spirtual conversation with. We will see how much he can remember.
As for LeMarge, i totally thought she was demon possessed or something. So today, when i woke her up in the morning... i said "in the Name of Jesus Christ! I command you to come out of her!" but nothing happened, she just kept on laughing and laughing and laughing.
Its been a tried day... kept on thinking and thinking... Brain and Health is the most important above all things!
Please pray for all the grandmas and grandpas to have no one yelling at them but just helping them and working in love. And that if this girl doesn't like this job, maybe she should work somewhere else... God lead her to the right path~ and please pray for my hernia (inguinal, from lifting)... I have Faith... Amen!
God Bless Us All!
"Names have been changed to protect and for privacy... thanks!"
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Another Day... 2/2/2011
*The names have been change for privacy and protection for the people...thanks*
Dear diary,
Today is my day off, but i feel like i have alot to do... FUN things that is! Like making some clay Pelecan for a short.

Life can be tough, but it can be easy if we want to... Health is very important, it might sound cliche but its true.
This morning the apartment across from my building starts to blast Chinese New Year Music. The old man across the building is like a little punk kid... blasting loud loud CNY music which woke me up. So today is Chinese New Years Eve. (well... is not really a Chinese New Year song, but if you do freak out from the bottom image, play this cheerful video again...)haha
Well... work is great at the Alezihmer's Care Center, interesting things happen day to day.
This lady name LeMarge is pretty unstable and talks all day long and she will look me in the eyes and starts doing the tounge movements (like how a guy would do that to a girl in a perverted way). Now i know how girls feel offended by it, cause i was...
Well... i don't know, she does seem like "demon posesed" and stuff... funny thing is, i give her this children's Bible to read, she just kept on refusing it. I'm trying to have an open mind about all things that all... not that i want her to be demon possessed, but is just odd how LeMarge functions... its not just memeory lost, her phrases just means nothing. i don't know... i'm gonna pray with her so hope i don't get beat up! LeMarge also has spit on randomly and does it like nobody's business.
But found this video about the exercisoism.... it is intense and believe it or not it happened. Nothing scray, but just the picture. Hear the comment from this preacher/priest. And its interesting how doctors just think she was crazy or wack, but the priest were ask to do the job that Jesus did best! AMEN! So don't freak out, if LeMarge is really possesed... i will be the one to freak out and say "In the name of Jesus Christ, i command you to come out of her!"
ACTS 16:16
16 Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. 17 This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” 18 And this she did for many days.
But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And he came out that very hour. 19 But when her masters saw that their hope of profit was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to the authorities.
On a lighter brighter side of the news... Guchi#5 got her Cheese Burger which she demanded last week! She's from New York, so i guess her diet is Pizza, Cheese Bourgar and Spagetti... i think she's Italian. since we ordered this especially for her...She at the whole plate up! Not one single fries left plus her whole mouth is full of Keptue... Byt after the meal, she was still sad and miserable and went back to bed with a frown and sad eyes that only her son can cheer her up.
I still wish we do more activities with them... it seems like all the activity is just doing puzzles and sleeping and lots of eating (like las vegas)... (Funny some would say they don't have money to pay for the meal. And funny that they knew they don't have any money on them...) anyways...they need exercise which they all lack! Plus one thing, they all LOVE their coffee... which i think is a no no... since they don't really drink water and plus they need more fruits! We serve them Banana one day and they all love it! I think its time to serve pears or what ever is in season!!!
Anyways, our body system is all conected together... from the top is the Brain... That is the most important... cause that is the thing that make you move and control everything... So when one things is not totally functioning, it will affect the other parts of the body. You might not notice it, but once we find out the problem, it is already too painful.
again... i am no doctor or nurse, but just a geek that want to make toys and animation and junk but happens to need some money to survive and now i'm just interested in solving this Alzheimer problem as i work..
P.S. My Hernia is getting smaller and its not painful like the other day. I have Faith, so please keep on praying and Thanks a Bunch and God Bless us all!
*The names have been change for privacy and protection for the people...thanks*
Dear diary,
Today is my day off, but i feel like i have alot to do... FUN things that is! Like making some clay Pelecan for a short.

Life can be tough, but it can be easy if we want to... Health is very important, it might sound cliche but its true.
This morning the apartment across from my building starts to blast Chinese New Year Music. The old man across the building is like a little punk kid... blasting loud loud CNY music which woke me up. So today is Chinese New Years Eve. (well... is not really a Chinese New Year song, but if you do freak out from the bottom image, play this cheerful video again...)haha
Well... work is great at the Alezihmer's Care Center, interesting things happen day to day.
This lady name LeMarge is pretty unstable and talks all day long and she will look me in the eyes and starts doing the tounge movements (like how a guy would do that to a girl in a perverted way). Now i know how girls feel offended by it, cause i was...
Well... i don't know, she does seem like "demon posesed" and stuff... funny thing is, i give her this children's Bible to read, she just kept on refusing it. I'm trying to have an open mind about all things that all... not that i want her to be demon possessed, but is just odd how LeMarge functions... its not just memeory lost, her phrases just means nothing. i don't know... i'm gonna pray with her so hope i don't get beat up! LeMarge also has spit on randomly and does it like nobody's business.
But found this video about the exercisoism.... it is intense and believe it or not it happened. Nothing scray, but just the picture. Hear the comment from this preacher/priest. And its interesting how doctors just think she was crazy or wack, but the priest were ask to do the job that Jesus did best! AMEN! So don't freak out, if LeMarge is really possesed... i will be the one to freak out and say "In the name of Jesus Christ, i command you to come out of her!"
ACTS 16:16
16 Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. 17 This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” 18 And this she did for many days.
But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And he came out that very hour. 19 But when her masters saw that their hope of profit was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to the authorities.
On a lighter brighter side of the news... Guchi#5 got her Cheese Burger which she demanded last week! She's from New York, so i guess her diet is Pizza, Cheese Bourgar and Spagetti... i think she's Italian. since we ordered this especially for her...She at the whole plate up! Not one single fries left plus her whole mouth is full of Keptue... Byt after the meal, she was still sad and miserable and went back to bed with a frown and sad eyes that only her son can cheer her up.
I still wish we do more activities with them... it seems like all the activity is just doing puzzles and sleeping and lots of eating (like las vegas)... (Funny some would say they don't have money to pay for the meal. And funny that they knew they don't have any money on them...) anyways...they need exercise which they all lack! Plus one thing, they all LOVE their coffee... which i think is a no no... since they don't really drink water and plus they need more fruits! We serve them Banana one day and they all love it! I think its time to serve pears or what ever is in season!!!
Anyways, our body system is all conected together... from the top is the Brain... That is the most important... cause that is the thing that make you move and control everything... So when one things is not totally functioning, it will affect the other parts of the body. You might not notice it, but once we find out the problem, it is already too painful.
again... i am no doctor or nurse, but just a geek that want to make toys and animation and junk but happens to need some money to survive and now i'm just interested in solving this Alzheimer problem as i work..
P.S. My Hernia is getting smaller and its not painful like the other day. I have Faith, so please keep on praying and Thanks a Bunch and God Bless us all!
*The names have been change for privacy and protection for the people...thanks*
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