Dear diary,
Today is my day off, but i feel like i have alot to do... FUN things that is! Like making some clay Pelecan for a short.

Life can be tough, but it can be easy if we want to... Health is very important, it might sound cliche but its true.
This morning the apartment across from my building starts to blast Chinese New Year Music. The old man across the building is like a little punk kid... blasting loud loud CNY music which woke me up. So today is Chinese New Years Eve. (well... is not really a Chinese New Year song, but if you do freak out from the bottom image, play this cheerful video again...)haha
Well... work is great at the Alezihmer's Care Center, interesting things happen day to day.
This lady name LeMarge is pretty unstable and talks all day long and she will look me in the eyes and starts doing the tounge movements (like how a guy would do that to a girl in a perverted way). Now i know how girls feel offended by it, cause i was...
Well... i don't know, she does seem like "demon posesed" and stuff... funny thing is, i give her this children's Bible to read, she just kept on refusing it. I'm trying to have an open mind about all things that all... not that i want her to be demon possessed, but is just odd how LeMarge functions... its not just memeory lost, her phrases just means nothing. i don't know... i'm gonna pray with her so hope i don't get beat up! LeMarge also has spit on randomly and does it like nobody's business.
But found this video about the exercisoism.... it is intense and believe it or not it happened. Nothing scray, but just the picture. Hear the comment from this preacher/priest. And its interesting how doctors just think she was crazy or wack, but the priest were ask to do the job that Jesus did best! AMEN! So don't freak out, if LeMarge is really possesed... i will be the one to freak out and say "In the name of Jesus Christ, i command you to come out of her!"
ACTS 16:16
16 Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. 17 This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.” 18 And this she did for many days.
But Paul, greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And he came out that very hour. 19 But when her masters saw that their hope of profit was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to the authorities.
On a lighter brighter side of the news... Guchi#5 got her Cheese Burger which she demanded last week! She's from New York, so i guess her diet is Pizza, Cheese Bourgar and Spagetti... i think she's Italian. since we ordered this especially for her...She at the whole plate up! Not one single fries left plus her whole mouth is full of Keptue... Byt after the meal, she was still sad and miserable and went back to bed with a frown and sad eyes that only her son can cheer her up.
I still wish we do more activities with them... it seems like all the activity is just doing puzzles and sleeping and lots of eating (like las vegas)... (Funny some would say they don't have money to pay for the meal. And funny that they knew they don't have any money on them...) anyways...they need exercise which they all lack! Plus one thing, they all LOVE their coffee... which i think is a no no... since they don't really drink water and plus they need more fruits! We serve them Banana one day and they all love it! I think its time to serve pears or what ever is in season!!!
Anyways, our body system is all conected together... from the top is the Brain... That is the most important... cause that is the thing that make you move and control everything... So when one things is not totally functioning, it will affect the other parts of the body. You might not notice it, but once we find out the problem, it is already too painful.
again... i am no doctor or nurse, but just a geek that want to make toys and animation and junk but happens to need some money to survive and now i'm just interested in solving this Alzheimer problem as i work..
P.S. My Hernia is getting smaller and its not painful like the other day. I have Faith, so please keep on praying and Thanks a Bunch and God Bless us all!
*The names have been change for privacy and protection for the people...thanks*
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