Wednesday, January 26, 2011

At the old folks home with Alzhemier Diseases 1/26/11

*All names are change for privacy and protection

Dear diary,

Well.... its been a week of real work, hands-on as Care Giver for Alzhemier folks. It is a pretty crazy overwhelming job, for the amout of pay (minimun wage), and the amout of stress, emotion, and feelings... it can really mess up your health if you don't watch out!

For the first 3 days, i had morning stomach craps for no reason. But once i start to get the routine going, all the stress is gone.

But i still rush and rush all over the place not knowing who to take care of first. Since all the Alzhemier folks are in their 70's to 80 year of age.

Today was a good start, no superviors yelling at me, even though it was a slow start for me, i took care of Unit B, as Judy took care of unite A. And also good thing Jenny our lead was there to supervise, cause she just let me know what i need to do, but not yelling way.

Other then that, the day is good. Same old routine, we wake them up at 6:30am. since they are old folks that moves super slow with Alzhmier, it take them about 2 hour to get to the dinning hall! Plus, some just don't want to listen to you and throw tendrums at you and they forget all the time!

So around 8:30am they eat breakfast and watch the news!... and after breakfast they stay in the dinning hall and we give them magazine to read and turn on some music! Jazz music, since most of them grew up in the 1930s.

None of the old folks are stupid... they just can't remember, and they are like babys, you tell them something, they are still learning and can easily for get. But the funny thing is, they keep REAPEATING the same thing. Like one would always reapeat "What's your name?" and one would repeat "I don't like milk" and another one would repeat "You know my son Arnoald?" so it is the same everyday like a broken record.

well, by 10:30, one of us goes to lunch and one will stay and watch them ... Around that time there is snack. And after snack more music and tv and then lunch. After lunch everyone is tried and sleepy like a baby and they get all tried and some will get grouchy!!!!

Is sad and funny at the same time, causae none of them knows why they are doing there!

But there is hope for this disease, cause there is a cure for everything is just that we haven't figure it out yet.

One thing for sure, i still stand by the theory that our brain is like a computer and like a computer it needs upgrading.... cause i notice most of the Alzhemier folks, they can remember a certain period of time and thing. Like this one lady, i told her my name is Bob, she replys "oh i have brother name Bob" and everytime she would do the same thing when i sayd my name is Bob... alsmost like a broken record or like a computer being stall, hung, and lost in space... BLANK OUT!

Differnt people have different levels of Alzhemier's, some can function better then the others. Some just can't remember people's face and sometimes name. And some have to think for a long time to finish things like eating. Some are so lost in space that they pace around back and forth with no direction to go. Baically we are their hands and feet, so for a skinny dude like me, its time to eat more meat and get pump up!... cause some of them are quite heavy!

Well, also this is a tough job, since many have quit! There are brave soliders, but many new ones have quit! Its tough, the smell, the shit, the yelling, showering... the sadness...
and it makes don't want to have sex anylonmger.. cause an sex organ is just an sex organ

But good thing... i want to be like Paul in the Bible! hahahhaha

All names are change for privacy and protection

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