Thursday, January 27, 2011

I survived the first week (1/27/2011)

*All names are change for privacy and protection

Dear diary,

Just been thinking and thinking about the folks at the care center with Alzheimer's.

Well... for sure one thing, i know it is not related to smoking weed... cause i have seen videos of old lady teaching us how to make Mary Jane buttery cookies... so that is ruled out. But yes, when we smoke weed, that feeling can be like forgetting things and the brain is just wondering trying to figure out what to do.

I survied my first week at work, it was super tough. I never knew that i would one day be taking care of old folks from brushing their teeth to taking a bath for them and wiping their booty clean.

I think i have stomach craps for like 3 days. And i thought i ate something that was bad and stuff. Well, I did it, and it was tough, but it is a great challenge!

Our brain is like a computer, we need to clean and upgrade it with good things and keep up with time and accepting new things in life. Our brain needs to be working and thinking and learning new things, listening, watching, feeling, so that we are up to date.

I notice most of the patients in our Unit comes from the mid-States... mostly small cities like Arkansa, Iowa, Tennnessee, etc. i don't know, maybe alot of them are homemakers just waiting to do nothing and retire.

Our brain is alive, it needs to be thinking and doing new things (storing new things).

Most of the patients can remember a certain period of time very well... since most of them are around 80's to 90's... they tend to only remember the 1930's music and stuff (which is the time they grew up in). They can tell you every detail there is about that time of their life.

I only been there for a week, so everything is just a guessing theory and idea.

I still haven't yet talk to Rosie (who is a black lady) she is the most normal one there, she knows exactly what i'm talking about. But she does always ask me "if i knew her son Bernie..."

I don't know i feel that i can find a cure and answer for this crazy disease. I think this disease is worst then death, cause even if your healthy, you can't function by yourself. You need someone there to be your hand and etc. like a baby 24/7.

Also, these folks need LOVE, that is very important. I think if we give them the attention they need, like assurance of being safe etc. they feel comfort, since they are old folks... Also we have to treat each Alzheimer person in differnt ways, some we have to treat them like babies, some just like a teenager and some just plan old grandma.

Still have a lot to look into it!!! I'm trying to read all the other Alzhimer's research

One thing though... i feel that alot of them have been TRAMATISE by some event or someone....

*All names are change for privacy and protection

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