Saturday, September 10, 2011

What does "amen" mean?

“Amen” is a Hebrew word that stems from the word aman, which means “to be faithful, support, or confirm.” The word “amen” actually means, “so be it,” or “truly.”

Therefore, when we end our prayers with "amen," we are re-affirming our dedication to God through Jesus Christ. We also use it to confirm a statement (i.e., when the pastor says something powerful out of the Word of God, and members of the congregation say "Amen").

***I did not write this is taken from

Monday, September 5, 2011

Church All Divided Unequally

Dear diary,

Church is very much divided. It is divided by RACE, AGE, CULTURE ETC.

So far in America, lots of Churches i visited is always just one kind of people there. one kind of people meaning the same-same.

For example... the Church that i attended is made up of all Chinese and not just any kind of Chinese, but about 80% of the Chinese is of TAI-Shan background.

And when i visited a few churches in Walnut (where my parents live)... it was mostly White People in this one church... and another Church in Walnut, it was all Chinese but not just any type of Chinese, but 90% Taiwanese. And another one near Walnut, its all Hispanics... and another one is all Filipinos... And one near where i live in Chinatown... its all Korean and another other is all African American... And you know what.... there is even a Church for hipsters! Oh and one more... WE Christians really love to judge this .... (drum roll please) Catholics... Why oh why??? I meet alot of Catholics during my work at the Alzheimer center for old folks... yes, a lot of Catholics might not read the bible... but they know Love just as much as us, so called Christians.... so why can't SOME Christians stop saying Catholics will not make it into Heaven... is like Christians can predict what God thinks???  Why can't we  Just LOVE... what the heck! 

SO What the heck is going on here???? It is already bad enough that we are divided by denomination, but yet, we Christian divide ourselves into groups of Christians?

Aren't we Christians suppose to be ONE? but why are people driving ONE hour or 45mins, to just to get to that one church when there is alot of good Churches near by our home?

So are we judging and saying that the Church near you home (walking distance) is not good enough for us? And if we say that the preacher sucks... we suck too... becos, we should be supporting the preacher man as long as he is loving and stick to the TRUTH, even if his preaching sucks... just support and pray that his preaching will be better!

i don't know... the church that i go to is near my house, is just walking distances, i can run down the hill and in 1 mins or 2mins i can get to my church...

and my church have a big parking problem. becos everyone on Sunday, people drive from all over the place to just to get to this our Church in Chinatown. So people will drive 1 hour and some 45 mins and some 20 mins. etc. etc. etc. Is like dude??? really now? is the church near your home (walking distance) really really really that bad?? Is the church near your home too demonic for you to go to ??

And if you gonna say.... "well, i moved BUT i've been attending this Church for 3 years and i just want to be with so and so... and this Church i have been at for 3 years needs me here to do worship... "

*****(NOT ENOUGH Worship bands?????....WHAT A JOKE...... in my church... you have to sign up and maybe wait half a year or a year on a waiting list.... Just so you can get your chance to showoff and sing on stage. there's like a whole lots and lots that wants to do music.)

Welll..... really now.....................  Think about it..............person of FAITH...... now that you have moved to a new area, God has given you a new Church to serve, to meet new people and NEED YOUR HELP for Worship in your new Church... So you don't need to drive 5 hours every Sunday, just to get to your Social Clubbing old Church!    you know.... in the Bible, God move people everywhere just so HIS people can experience new things.... an adventure... is about expanding your mind to understanding this life... that's why He created a UNIVERSE for us..... to EXPLORE... it ain't about the SAME-SAME and sticking with your christian Cliques.... like the 12 disciples, God had to separate them, so they can go out and let the truth be known.... the 12 didn't always just hang out TOgether and drink milk and go bowling and little clap our hand birthday parties and hiking and having bike rides happpily together... seriously now...

If we want to hang out... we can hang out in Heaven (eternally) ..... oh my gosh.... that is like forever dudes.  Now that we are on Earth, lets do the work....!

I'm sorry for the cheap sarcasm and foul words. But really now, its the only way to keep you awake from reading what i'm saying!! ( and please don't have a heart attack from reading this, cause you will!)

So ask ourself this question "ARe you going to church for God, becos you want to learn about who God is.. and know how you can go out and tell others about Jesus and do whatever we're called for and go home to Heaven one day."


"Are we going to church for friends/comfort same-sameness ...jocks and jocks, geeks and geeks, artist and artist, old and old, young and young, black and black, white and white, blue and blue, yellow and yellow, etc and etc and etc?"

Is your church like my church??? where the young sits on the left side and the middle age and Young married couples sit in the middle section and the OLD folks in their late teen 80's sits on the far right!... Wow so organize and divide by age and cliques! and you can be at my church for 50 years and not really know anyone... see even inside the BUILDING, the church divide themselves... ***(REMEMBER..... WE PEOPLE MAKE UP THE CHURCH, not the building)

How are we suppose to work as ONE when we purposely just like to be separated and segregated???

I mean ....come on... let's be real here... why are we dividing ourselves like this? I thought we are Christians??? I'm sure God didn't say "Hey, why is there a black guy in that white Church? " Or "What is that Chinese doing in ALL Mexican style church... he' style is not Mexican enough" Or "Everyone of you should just stick to your own kind... that is the Church!"

Seriously.... think about it! Be honest to yourselve now!

Stop making excuses and say silly childish things like "God has a purpose for me in this church to drive 45miles to get to church on Sunday and be LATE and sleepy during sermon and not hear a thing and so i can make a mess with the neighborhood with the car noise and making the church spending wasted money on building parking structures just so i can happily attend my SAME-SaME kind of people that is like me kind of Church. (Social Club!)

You know somewhere in the Bible... the Gospel of John talks about the Vine and the branches etc. As Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches... so like a tree.. is all link as ONE.

If we should all link as ONE as Jesus said, than why is it so hard for us Christians to understand that there is a perfectly good church near by your home that you should go to and not judge???????????????

Is like why do we purposely divide ourselves????????????????????????????????????????????????!

I don't know... i hate going to a separated Church, the way we Christians try make ourselves look good when we're NOT... i hate division.... and racism... its all stupid.

Going out of the way to find the same kind is Prejudice and kind of Racism!

Dude, we humans are all the same kind, we eat, we sleep, and we shit! 

Wake UP Christians! Don't let Satan divide Us! He's laughing at the Christian Church! Try and go to the Church nearest to your home (as long as it is not a Cult)... But do go to a Church near your home. That Church will most likely need your service and your help. Remember Church is Church and it is not about how big your Church is. If i was a preacher in a church, i wouldn't mind if i only have 10 people in God's Church, cos it is NOT MY, ME, I church...

And if i had 10,000 folks attending the Church that i preach to. I would tell them, if you got to drive 1 hours to even 5 mins. to this church, you better go back to your home church that God has provided for you and lead you near your home. Stop searching for people. Church is Church and it is all the same (if they preach base on the Bible).

You know, if i get to choose, i choose Calvary Chapel. But then i be choosing preacher and popularity. I am no better if i done that... So please.....



Peace and God Bless Us to wake Up!