Thursday, June 27, 2013

Do "All Dogs Really Go to Heaven!?"

Dear Diary,

Today my dog has and is in Heaven.  I know he is, becos he has a Soul!  My dog understands me heunderstands alot of things.  He's got feelings, its crazy how we can communicate with them. So I was really sad today, but not shock, since he's pretty old and was always running out of breath.  Even though it didn't shock me, but i just thought... wow, that is all of a sudden...while i was in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes at work..i got this phone call from my uncle. I was thinking..."huh... my uncle rarely calls me and he knows i'm at work... Then the news came and Bang!  the end of Riley... his last breath on earth and i didn't even get to see him before he dies!  I try not to cry but gosh I just couldn't hold it in and i hate the fact that i had to cry in front of strangers....gezzz .... but anyways, i will miss Riley alot becos he has a soul.  You know how i know dogs has souls? Cos dogs communicate with you and they communicate with one another and they understands you... dogs understand human language... its weird but they really do.   so anything that has a soul will be in Heaven.

Friday, June 7, 2013

WTF is the meaning of LIFE! GEEEZZZZZ

What is the meaning of life?

That's a  question i have been pondering, wondering and hating about.  Why do i hate it, its that life can be such a happy misery... not that i am unhappy with my life or with myself, it is just that what is happening around this world or just here in the United States that makes me sad and angry that we humans CAN be sooooooooooo mean to one another that that is why we are always warring with one another.

Is the truth you know, from the beginning of time, we human beings has been at war with with other race, culture, class, and even family members.

So what does warring and humans have to do with the meaning of life you might ask? 

Well... believe it or not, it is a very simple thing.  So simple the answer is but at the same time, so difficult to accomplish.

This is the meaning of life.  Why are we here?  Why are we here on this Earth?

We the human race are born here on this plant Earth, becos God our creator wants us to learn how to life with one another and HOW to LOVE each other and be mature loving beings toward all mankind.  That is why we are here on Earth. To learn how to live and love each other.

Think about it....The meaning of life is about being CREATIVE. Being loving toward ALL human race.  God didn't create one type of humans. He created different races and cultures within the races and you know different types of human man and woman and tall, short, fat, skinny, dark skin to light skin colors....

You know the creator loves being creative, so he create, creating things and beings.  So that is why there is so many different kinds of human.   And I AM Sooooooooooo glad that God created so many variety of us.  With us humans being a variety... we get to taste different types of food, like Chinese, Italian, India, etc. etc. etc. the variety of cultures. Like Anime from Japan, Kung Fu films from Hong Kong, Block buster Hollywood films, you know the variety of cultures...

See it is that simple.

Why are we always warring with one another...its just so sad and tried and meaningless becos if we human hate each other, we are wasting time to have fun with one other learning about one anothers culture.

If we human race as a whole,  by being creative and set aside the difference by working things out and working together as ONE race, I think we be doing wonders... like living on the Moon right now!  (stop spending money of the unproductive stuff like nuclear weapons.... i mean if we use it, there no point of living at all !)

So some of you might ask... if God is real and He created us, why can't we just be in Heaven and be with HIM?"????????

Well, the same is the same... we are here to learn to love each other.  (sounds simple, but it is the hardest thing to do...----think about it...)

or yeah, why not be in heaven when we are born.  And why are we created anyways???  We are created becos of LOVE.  God love, so he create... Just as us humans, husband and wife LOVEs each other, so they create a baby.

oh yeah again... we are not right away in heaven when we are born .. becos, if we never knew suffering or hardship or the ups and downs of life, then we will NOT Appreciate the Wonderful Fantastical magical Heaven which God created for us to enjoy.  Is like this... if you were born in a rich family and grew up being spoil and don't know any hardship etc. then you will not appreciate what you have, even if someone gave you a  $100 hamburger, that person might snare and say "So what... last week my boyfriend from France me a $3000 hamburger made by Chef Gordon Ramsay..."  Anyways,...

Imagine a place with no war, rule by Jesus and peace and lots of things which i don't know about.  But I know Heaven will be crazier than Avatar and all the most fantastical things you never ever seen yet!!!

Anyways, think about it.  I believe this is the meaning of life... What do you think?


Peace and God Blesses Us All!

Life in the Kitchen

Dear diary,

life is life and life is real, but what is life when life is just life?

the truth is no one wants to admits the truth. and this is the truth.

its been a year since i left Taiwan, i try not to think about it, but thinking about Taiwan just mades me sad.  I really love Taiwan and i wanted to stay there and have a life there, but life is really just life, you just got to do what you got to do and make the best of it.

all those folks i met in taiwan really really are some of the warmest folks that i have ever met.  Mostly old folks, i don't know, i just don't click with the younger folks. anyways, what the fok!

Well, being back here in the good old california.  i mean i don't dislike or hate l.a, but i just feel like we just drive and drive to everywhere. and every where there is the same mall , with the same old brands in different branches.  every city you go there is the same mall near your house. i mean some malls ARE fancier, but mostly the same....

so its been a year since i've been working at dad's place cooking and chopping and cleaning in the kitchen.  dad really really is childish.  he is just too old school and need to get out of that nasty old habit that don't belong in the kitchen!.......  like yelling at people when we are just learning. is not like i wanted this job in the first place.  so this is my document just to remind myself how dad has change since Christ worked through us!....

 i tell you the truth, at times, we just want to kill each other, never with knifes, which is a good thing... but he for some reason always want to challange me to a fight!!!  For reals... i'm like dude, are you serious?  I'll whip your ass upside down! cause i've been learning kung fu from the internet.

and the f up thing is that, every fight i'm always the blame for it!  if you seen Nightmare Kitchen you have seen how me and my dad is but worse when we fight! really.... is like, for example. when there was food that was going stinking bad, he would argue that it is not bad.. and i'm like "What"... this tofu is sour... then we get in to argument and i would be saying... "if you serve this to the customers, people will know, people are not stupid...!" then he would get any angry start cusing in Chinese and says "I quit!"  and i would be all freak out, cos i still dont' know now to cook some of the other dishes.

but its a great  thing now. after one year of all this fighting and shooting and cussing at one another we finally just let it go.  i only pray to God that if my dad would sever bad food or have a bad attitude, let him have no business.  and here is the funny part and it happens!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Guilty as Single... What the Heck!

Dear diary,

Why do married couples sometimes like to criticize single people? 

Seriously folks, is like i am guilty for being single.  I have some married couples say things to me like "so your still single? have it all easy, single life.. your not done playing around yet huh?!"

Is like what does being a lonely single person like me have to do with "done playing around?"  Life is life and people have a choice to be single or be with a girlfriend or boyfriend or be married...  And being single does not mean your a playboy or what not or whatever the fuck!

It get even worse from all these put down judgements .... some would say "Oh... you have it all easy, you don't have to take care of kids deal with their blah blah blah ....and how much are you saving, your must be rich, since you don't have no one to take care of .. blah blah blah blah blah blah blahb lahb...."

I mean, i don't think anyone pointed a gun to the couple and say... "you guys better get me married and have kids and be unhappy for the rest for your married f-up life!"....  Marriage is all simply choices... your choice.. NOT my problem and my choice.

So if your single and some married couple starts giving you crap and making you feeling guilty for being single from their lovely black heart.... just say this to them...  "look i love you guys, but wtf???... did anyone pointed a gun and force you guys to get married like some mother f-ing bitches? no right???  huh?"

Sorry to be so piss about this.... but F man... why does married couples like critize me for not being married at 40.... i really thought it is a choice... and besides, we are over populated and Paul from the Bible did say it is best for one to not get married.   And he right!


Cussing is rude, but i'm not saying to anyone in their faces... sooooooo i'm harming anyone... its a freedom of my own expression in writing... meaning that i need to express my opinion to married couples that are rude and bitter with single folks...that is all.