Wednesday, December 26, 2012

CHRISTmas is not Xmas.......!!

You know, the truth is, this is the truth.

We celebrate Christmas is all becos of Jesus Christ = CHRISTmas.

And Satan is again very smart and cunning...

So he uses the x to X out Christ's name and there you go...

Merry X'mas.

Just like alot of thing Satan does... even the use of Jesus's name. Even Jesus Christ's become a cuss word. Oh s***!  Jesus Christ! Oh my God F-off!


God Da**** **!

I mean Satan controls this world and he's enjoying it!  And he's here to destroy the people of this world .... that us (the human race).

Hey, Satan need not to start a war, the humans will Start the war itself and kill oneself and for ALL.

That is the truth. What can we do???? Just LOVE.
